Thursday, November 17, 2011

Quick Update- Where to next?

No, I haven't fallen off the face of the planet. Still here. You should hear about Market Day and the actual culinary adventure soon. We've been really, really busy! In the meantime while you wait to hear about Lebanon, are you interested in a preview?

Right now I'm considering what reason to explore next. Leaning towards Africa right now. There's so much to explore there. Every once in a while we visit a city with an Ethiopian restaurant. Oh, I love their food. Moroccan is really good too. The other idea I'm considering is a "Christmas 'round the globe" trip. Perfect for December. Decisions, decisions!


  1. Love your blog!!coming by from Chasing Rainbow come by and say hi!

  2. @ The Brookie Cookie- Thanks so much!
    @ Melissa- glad to have you following the blog!
